Monday, June 6, 2011

Post Yard Work Wine

It’s hot, you’re sweaty… makes you want to taste the dirt.

After working most of the day in the garden, but not gardening as in “wearing a pretty white sun dress, big brimmed, floppy hat and matching gloves so as not to soil your freshly manicured hands” type of gardening… NO, this was down-and-dirty, pick axe swinging, chain saw buzzing, wheelbarrow rolling, rocks moving, full frontal landscaping!

But then the time came to wash off the grime and return to civilization. More importantly, it was time to reward ourselves at our favorite Garden State restaurant called Water and Wine in Watchung, NJ. And since we still had the taste of the land in our mouths, what better wine to dine with than a Brunello, where the earth is present with every sip.